How Do You Remove Moisture From Walls?

Paint peeling and bubbling on a damp wall after a roof leak.

Wet walls can crumble and crack or even lead to mold. They could even hide more problems inside like mold and severe water damage. If your walls are retaining moisture, you need to take action fast. Learn how to remove moisture from walls fast. Plus, we even look at what causes damp walls and explain the signs you have a moisture problem.

Do you have peeling paint or water spots? Moisture in your walls could lead to water damage or even mold. Call 1-888-443-3110 now for a free quote and immediate cleanup.

Why Do Walls Retain Moisture?

Walls retain moisture because they are made with naturally absorbent materials. Drywall contains a blend of gypsum and other materials sandwiched between layers of cardboard-like paper that will wick water up the wall 30 inches or more.

While paint helps to seal the outside of your walls, the inside is left unprotected against water. Your walls will soak up the water from the back side and eventually spread outward from the source.

What Kind of Damage Do Damp Walls Cause?

Water will eventually dissolve your walls, but it usually cracks or crumbles long before that. It will create dark spots and water stainers or even cause paint or wallpaper to peel. The longer your walls remain wet, the greater the risk of mold.

What Are the Signs of a Wall Retaining Moisture?

  • Discoloration: A wet wall often looks darker or lighter than the surrounding area.
  • Water Stains: Water can also cause yellowish-brown stains.
  • Peeling or Bubbling Paint: Paint will peel or bubble if the wall is wet.
  • Curling or Bubbling Wallpaper: Like paint, wet walls will make wallpaper bubble and curl.
  • Sagging: The weight of the water will cause the wall to sag.
  • Soft or Spongy Surface: As walls retain moisture, they will get soft and spongy.
  • Mold: Mold is common on walls that retain moisture.
  • Crumbling or Cracking: Damp walls will eventually start to crack or crumble.

What Causes Wet Walls?

Any water problem can lead to wet walls, but the main causes are condensation, water leaks, and burst water pipes.


Condensation happens with cold, dry air meets hot, moist air. The moisture in the hot air then condenses and forms water droplets on the wall. Over time, the condensation will soak into your wall and create a wet spot. Problems with condensation are most common in kitchens and bathrooms, but they can also happen around windows and exterior walls.

Water Leaks

Water leaks are the most common cause of moisture in walls. While water can leak through your roof, exterior walls, or foundation, problems with water pipes are the biggest concern. Since water leaks often go unnoticed for weeks or even months, they can cause significant damage to your walls without you knowing.

Burst Water Pipes

Burst water pipes usually cause considerable water damage, but they can go unnoticed in rare cases. As a result, water can soak into walls for an extended period. Burst pipes usually occur in exterior walls or uninsulated spaces.

How To Remove Moisture From Water Damaged Walls

For minor damage, you can remove moisture from walls yourself. However, any wet wall could hide more significant damage. If you need help or are worried about water damage or mold problems, call a water damage restoration company for assistance.

Turn Off the Water

Turn off your water immediately if you have a burst or leaky pipe. Otherwise, the water will keep flowing and cause more damage. Your water shutoff value is usually in the basement or utility closet.

Remove Moisture With Fans and Dehumidifiers

You can remove the moisture from your walls with high-velocity fans and structural drying dehumidifiers. The fans improve airflow, which helps the water evaporate. Then the dehumidifiers pull the water out of the air.

Prevent Damage by Taking Down Pictures

Although not necessary for removing moisture, you should still take down anything hanging on your wall to prevent further damage. Pictures and artwork will pull on the wet wall and can cause it to crack or crumble.

How Long Does It Take To Fix Moisture From Walls?

Although it varies based on the amount of water and size of walls, it will take one to three days with structural drying equipment. If you are using household fans and dehumidifiers, it will take at least twice as long.

How Do You Speed Up Water Removal From Wet Walls?

From the risk of mold to your walls falling down, you need to remove moisture from your walls as quickly as possible. Here are the best ways to speed up the process.

  • Use the Right Equipment: The best way to remove moisture from your walls is by using the right equipment. Household fans and dehumidifiers are not effective if you have water damage. Take care of the problem quickly with high-velocity fans and structural drying dehumidifiers.
  • Take Down Wallpaper: Wallpaper will actually seal your walls, locking in moisture and increasing the chances of damage and mold. Use vinegar to weaken the glue, then carefully pull down the wallpaper with a scraper.
  • Remove Molding and Baseboards: Removing your molding and baseboards is another way to remove moisture faster. Air can then circulate behind the walls, reducing the total drying time.
  • Test Walls With a Moisture Meter: The best way to save time is to test your walls with a moisture meter. Start testing the wall after four hours, then every hour afterward until you get a consistent reading. Avoid missing a wet spot by checking several places on your wall.

Does Opening Up Windows and Doors Speed Up Water Removal?

You might be able to speed up drying by opening your windows and doors, but it doesn’t always guarantee faster moisture removal. In fact, it may make things worse.

High humidity, rain, and other weather factors can slow down moisture removal. Only open windows and doors if it is sunny, the humidity is low, and there is a breeze.

Can I Accelerate Moisture Removal by Running My Furnace or Air Conditioner?

While you may think cranking your furnace up or setting your AC really low will speed water removal, it only wastes energy. Even set at 80, your furnace isn’t hot enough to dry walls effectively.

And no matter how low your air conditioner goes, it is meant to keep a specific relative humidity. Unfortunately, that relative humidity is still too high to make a difference in drying times.

How Do You Prevent Moisture in Walls?

The best way to remove moisture in your walls is to prevent it in the first place. Here are several effective ways to prevent moisture in your walls.

  • Turn On Your Exhaust Fans: Always use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to remove moisture and prevent damp walls.
  • Use a Dehumidifier: A dehumidifier can help control excess moisture vapor and limit condensation. Just remember to empty it regularly.
  • Repair Leaks Right Away: If you have a leak, make repairs immediately to prevent mold damage.
  • Keep Water Away From Your Foundation: From cleaning gutters to increasing the grade around your home, prevent water from pooling around your foundation.
  • Improve Your Ventilation: Adding better ventilation will also prevent moisture in walls. Install exhaust fans, check roof and attic vents, and improve air circulation in enclosed spaces.
Let Restoration Local Help With Removing Moisture From Walls

Restoration Local will help get your life back to normal fast whether you have a minor leak or major damage. Our experts will remove moisture from damp walls and repair the damage in as little as one day. We offer 24-hour emergency service and a 60-minute response time. Call 1-888-443-3110 now for your free quote and immediate service.

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